Sunday, November 30, 2008


How many have heard of Woodrew Derenberger? This is an old report but nevertheless interesting.

Woodrow Derenberger was a pleasant appearing, sandy-haired gentleman of 50 years who, when I met him, was in the process of being transformed from a family man of normal pursuits into a national name whose home could no longer be called his castle and whose time was given over almost completely to television and radio shows, or to conducted tours of what had become one of the most popular UFO landing sites in the nation.

Woodrow Derenberger's story hit the front pages of newspapers along the North Atlantic Coast. I was picked up by the wire service, kited abroad and followed up with Air Force and NICAP investigations and a series of television appearances that by April had converted his life into a nightmare.

Mr. Derenberger was not reluctant to tell of his experience in the beginning. He considered himself something of a middleman between friendly aliens from another planet and people on Earth. His initial experience, familiar to most of you, took place on the night of November 2, when Derenberger, a salesman for a sewing machine company was returning from Marietta, Ohio to his home in Mineral Wells along Highway I-77.

A big craft settled down on the road in front of him covering it from berm to berm, and from it stepped a fine looking figure of a man, dark skinned, 40-odd years old more curious than frightened, and for several minutes they carried on a conversation, telepathically,, that consisted exclusively of Derenberger answering the stranger's questions. He gave his name and explained that he worked for a living because he had to and that the lights ahead were those of Parkersburg, a commercial center. He learned that the stranger's name was Mr. Cold, Indrid Cold, a "searcher" and that a commercial center, such as Parkersburg, would be known in his land as a "gathering."

Derenberger's initial curiosity switched to apprehension and then to actual fear. Cold tried to reassure him. "I am the same as you are," he comforted. "I sleep and breath and bleed as you do. I wish you no harm, only happiness."

Woody's idea of happiness then was a mug of black coffee in the kitchen of his own home, but the prospects seemed slim. He admitted he might have taken off, but there was no place to go. The big ship was only a few feet above his truck. Other cars passed while he sat there, a passenger car and a truck. Woody learned later the truck driver had seen him, but hadn't seen the mystery ship and thought Woody was taking to a friend along the road.

After several minutes, Cold stepped back from the truck, his "ship" lowered to the ground and Woody saw what he thought was another "creature" open the door, admit Cold, then slam it "just like a car door." The craft took off.

"The papers said later it took off with tremendous speed." Woody told me. "It didn't. I was the one who took off with tremendous speed."

"You should have seen him when he got home," Woody's wife said. "He looked awful. I thought he'd struck and killed somebody with the truck. He loves to play with the children, but not that night. I had to shoo them out. He just sat there in the kitchen, Grey-colored, and saying "You're going to think I'm crazy," or "you're going to laugh at me." Then he told me what happened."

"I was in shock., "Woody said. "That's what the doctor told me."

"He tried to make a report to the police and he couldn't even hold the phone," his wife said. "I had to make the call and when I reported it, the officer said it was the third call like that they'd had that night."

State and city police, a USAF sergeant and representatives from the local TV station swarmed around him the next day. "I consented to a TV appearance," Woody said. "But if I had it to do over again, there'd be none of that. As a matter of fact, Cold appeared two nights later and we had another talk. I never mentioned it around here."

"What was your second conversation about?" I asked.

"That night, November 4, I was driving home from Pomeroy, Ohio with a friend. I got these messages that Cold was there and then I saw the "ship". My friend saw it too, and several people in the area saw it that night, but nobody knew about my talk with Cold."

Woody settled back a little farther in his chair and gave me a serious appraisal. "You see, Mrs. Marling, I wasn't the person Cold planned to contact that first time. He's told me since that he was really homing in on a car ahead of me, a fellow he'd kept under watch for several days and believed would be a good communicant. But the man's car was so close to a busy intersection that Cold was afraid there might be an accident if he dropped down in front of him, so he chose me instead. He wasn't sorry. He told me I'm receptive, a good communicant."

"They aren't making contact only around here," Mrs. Derenberger told me. "They are doing this all over the country. But they find the people in West Virginia more receptive."

"It was at that second meeting, the night of November 4, that Cold told me about himself. He's from a planet called 'Lanulos,' located near the galaxy 'Genemedes.' They have woods, streams, fields, oceans, the same as we do. They've taken samples of our vegetation, our animals. Ours are much like theirs. Cold is married, his wife is named Kimi and he had two sons at that time. Has three children, now, one was born right around Christmas time, a little girl."

"They're Time Travelers," Mrs. Derenberger injected.

"That's right," Woody said. "In the fourth dimension. One reason they can't stay here too long at a time is because they get younger down here instead of older. Their life span is 125 - 175 years, but if they stayed here too long I think they'd go back in years and possibly forget how to manipulate their craft."

"They have 9 scout ships in this area," Mrs. Derenberger said.

"Two men to a craft," Woody elaborated, "except one ship that has four. On one craft there is a husband-wife team, Jitro and Elvara Cletaw."

"Did Cold still insist this was a friendly visit, no harm would come to you?" I asked.

"He reassured me. He's told me on several occasions that the people on his planet travel and trade with other planets all the time and that's what they want to do here. Lanulos has many things that would be of value to us, and we have many things that would be of value to Lanulos. Cold wants to have a friendly exchange."

"Aren't we too far away for a working trade agreement?" I asked.

"They don't operate out of their own planet. They have a landing base on the Moon. There's a Mother Ship up there, big as a football field and nine stories high, equipped with berthing docks. These scout ships land there and are taken aboard the mother ship."

"If there's something like that up there, I should think NASA would be interested in it," I suggested.

"Oh, NASA knows all about this," Woody assured me. "Knows more about it than I do. I took my family down to Cape Kennedy not long ago and we were talking with some of the NASA people. I told them Indrid had seen all the devices we've put on the Moon, has even waved at the cameras. He's seen every astronaut who's ever gone up and has waved at them and they've waved back. NASA said they knew all about it. I'd told them nothing new."

The pressures and confusion that are now a part of the Derenberger's daily life have taken their toll on Woody's wife. She is a pretty brunette who, up until November, 1966, had led the life of a happily married mother of two on the peaceful western fringe of the state. Since that night their phone has run round the clock. "We've had our number changed. We have an unlisted one now. Still they call. The mail comes in from all over the world, Japan, Germany, Okinawa. And callers, from 10 to 50 almost every night.... just driving right up, some make all night trips to get there... coming in the house. They think they'll see the ship. It comes in often. Some of them see it, some don't. We had one NICAP investigator out there who was carrying so much equipment, cameras, tape recorders, Geiger counters, he could scarcely get through the door. He didn't see the ship."

"Cold doesn't like a lot of people, a lot of confusion. He comes when the weather's bad, in the snow or pouring rain. Times when our aircraft are grounded."

"Has there been much Air Force activity around your place?" I asked.

"We're told the local authorities and the Air Force aren't out there, but we've seen some uniformed and armed men there... often. We don't know who they are."

"Has anyone else been in touch with Cold around here?'

"Yes, there's a group that gets together. They know him. There's a doctor, a minister, several businessmen. You see, Mrs. Marling, Cold comes here often. He's brought me bread from his planet. It's richer and coarser than ours, like old-fashioned biscuits. He even brought some spirits. Yucatan brandy in a wooden bottle."

"What was that like?"

"I'm not a drinking man, but I drank some of this. My father-in-law said it was like eggnog. But I thought it was syrupy.

"How did you react?"

"I really got high..."

"I tried to keep that wooden bottle," he told me. "I've tried to take things several times to have evidence that Cold was here. I even tried to steal something, but I never get away with it."

"If he's friendly why doesn't he let you take his picture, or give you something to show, or make an appointment with the Air Force or NASA or some organization that could really pin this thing down."

"He says it's not the right time, Mrs. Marling. He's been in touch with the head of our government and our military forces and agreed to show up at any place agreeable to them. But our government laid down certain stipulations. Told him we'd have to determine when they came, when they would leave and when they could have their ship back. Cold wouldn't hear of it."


This article ran in Flying saucers - October 1967 by M. Spohn Marling



How many have heard of Woodrew Derenberger? This is an old report but nevertheless interesting.

Woodrow Derenberger was a pleasant appearing, sandy-haired gentleman of 50 years who, when I met him, was in the process of being transformed from a family man of normal pursuits into a national name whose home could no longer be called his castle and whose time was given over almost completely to television and radio shows, or to conducted tours of what had become one of the most popular UFO landing sites in the nation.

Woodrow Derenberger's story hit the front pages of newspapers along the North Atlantic Coast. I was picked up by the wire service, kited abroad and followed up with Air Force and NICAP investigations and a series of television appearances that by April had converted his life into a nightmare.

Mr. Derenberger was not reluctant to tell of his experience in the beginning. He considered himself something of a middleman between friendly aliens from another planet and people on Earth. His initial experience, familiar to most of you, took place on the night of November 2, when Derenberger, a salesman for a sewing machine company was returning from Marietta, Ohio to his home in Mineral Wells along Highway I-77.

A big craft settled down on the road in front of him covering it from berm to berm, and from it stepped a fine looking figure of a man, dark skinned, 40-odd years old more curious than frightened, and for several minutes they carried on a conversation, telepathically,, that consisted exclusively of Derenberger answering the stranger's questions. He gave his name and explained that he worked for a living because he had to and that the lights ahead were those of Parkersburg, a commercial center. He learned that the stranger's name was Mr. Cold, Indrid Cold, a "searcher" and that a commercial center, such as Parkersburg, would be known in his land as a "gathering."

Derenberger's initial curiosity switched to apprehension and then to actual fear. Cold tried to reassure him. "I am the same as you are," he comforted. "I sleep and breath and bleed as you do. I wish you no harm, only happiness."

Woody's idea of happiness then was a mug of black coffee in the kitchen of his own home, but the prospects seemed slim. He admitted he might have taken off, but there was no place to go. The big ship was only a few feet above his truck. Other cars passed while he sat there, a passenger car and a truck. Woody learned later the truck driver had seen him, but hadn't seen the mystery ship and thought Woody was taking to a friend along the road.

After several minutes, Cold stepped back from the truck, his "ship" lowered to the ground and Woody saw what he thought was another "creature" open the door, admit Cold, then slam it "just like a car door." The craft took off.

"The papers said later it took off with tremendous speed." Woody told me. "It didn't. I was the one who took off with tremendous speed."

"You should have seen him when he got home," Woody's wife said. "He looked awful. I thought he'd struck and killed somebody with the truck. He loves to play with the children, but not that night. I had to shoo them out. He just sat there in the kitchen, Grey-colored, and saying "You're going to think I'm crazy," or "you're going to laugh at me." Then he told me what happened."

"I was in shock., "Woody said. "That's what the doctor told me."

"He tried to make a report to the police and he couldn't even hold the phone," his wife said. "I had to make the call and when I reported it, the officer said it was the third call like that they'd had that night."

State and city police, a USAF sergeant and representatives from the local TV station swarmed around him the next day. "I consented to a TV appearance," Woody said. "But if I had it to do over again, there'd be none of that. As a matter of fact, Cold appeared two nights later and we had another talk. I never mentioned it around here."

"What was your second conversation about?" I asked.

"That night, November 4, I was driving home from Pomeroy, Ohio with a friend. I got these messages that Cold was there and then I saw the "ship". My friend saw it too, and several people in the area saw it that night, but nobody knew about my talk with Cold."

Woody settled back a little farther in his chair and gave me a serious appraisal. "You see, Mrs. Marling, I wasn't the person Cold planned to contact that first time. He's told me since that he was really homing in on a car ahead of me, a fellow he'd kept under watch for several days and believed would be a good communicant. But the man's car was so close to a busy intersection that Cold was afraid there might be an accident if he dropped down in front of him, so he chose me instead. He wasn't sorry. He told me I'm receptive, a good communicant."

"They aren't making contact only around here," Mrs. Derenberger told me. "They are doing this all over the country. But they find the people in West Virginia more receptive."

"It was at that second meeting, the night of November 4, that Cold told me about himself. He's from a planet called 'Lanulos,' located near the galaxy 'Genemedes.' They have woods, streams, fields, oceans, the same as we do. They've taken samples of our vegetation, our animals. Ours are much like theirs. Cold is married, his wife is named Kimi and he had two sons at that time. Has three children, now, one was born right around Christmas time, a little girl."

"They're Time Travelers," Mrs. Derenberger injected.

"That's right," Woody said. "In the fourth dimension. One reason they can't stay here too long at a time is because they get younger down here instead of older. Their life span is 125 - 175 years, but if they stayed here too long I think they'd go back in years and possibly forget how to manipulate their craft."

"They have 9 scout ships in this area," Mrs. Derenberger said.

"Two men to a craft," Woody elaborated, "except one ship that has four. On one craft there is a husband-wife team, Jitro and Elvara Cletaw."

"Did Cold still insist this was a friendly visit, no harm would come to you?" I asked.

"He reassured me. He's told me on several occasions that the people on his planet travel and trade with other planets all the time and that's what they want to do here. Lanulos has many things that would be of value to us, and we have many things that would be of value to Lanulos. Cold wants to have a friendly exchange."

"Aren't we too far away for a working trade agreement?" I asked.

"They don't operate out of their own planet. They have a landing base on the Moon. There's a Mother Ship up there, big as a football field and nine stories high, equipped with berthing docks. These scout ships land there and are taken aboard the mother ship."

"If there's something like that up there, I should think NASA would be interested in it," I suggested.

"Oh, NASA knows all about this," Woody assured me. "Knows more about it than I do. I took my family down to Cape Kennedy not long ago and we were talking with some of the NASA people. I told them Indrid had seen all the devices we've put on the Moon, has even waved at the cameras. He's seen every astronaut who's ever gone up and has waved at them and they've waved back. NASA said they knew all about it. I'd told them nothing new."

The pressures and confusion that are now a part of the Derenberger's daily life have taken their toll on Woody's wife. She is a pretty brunette who, up until November, 1966, had led the life of a happily married mother of two on the peaceful western fringe of the state. Since that night their phone has run round the clock. "We've had our number changed. We have an unlisted one now. Still they call. The mail comes in from all over the world, Japan, Germany, Okinawa. And callers, from 10 to 50 almost every night.... just driving right up, some make all night trips to get there... coming in the house. They think they'll see the ship. It comes in often. Some of them see it, some don't. We had one NICAP investigator out there who was carrying so much equipment, cameras, tape recorders, Geiger counters, he could scarcely get through the door. He didn't see the ship."

"Cold doesn't like a lot of people, a lot of confusion. He comes when the weather's bad, in the snow or pouring rain. Times when our aircraft are grounded."

"Has there been much Air Force activity around your place?" I asked.

"We're told the local authorities and the Air Force aren't out there, but we've seen some uniformed and armed men there... often. We don't know who they are."

"Has anyone else been in touch with Cold around here?'

"Yes, there's a group that gets together. They know him. There's a doctor, a minister, several businessmen. You see, Mrs. Marling, Cold comes here often. He's brought me bread from his planet. It's richer and coarser than ours, like old-fashioned biscuits. He even brought some spirits. Yucatan brandy in a wooden bottle."

"What was that like?"

"I'm not a drinking man, but I drank some of this. My father-in-law said it was like eggnog. But I thought it was syrupy.

"How did you react?"

"I really got high..."

"I tried to keep that wooden bottle," he told me. "I've tried to take things several times to have evidence that Cold was here. I even tried to steal something, but I never get away with it."

"If he's friendly why doesn't he let you take his picture, or give you something to show, or make an appointment with the Air Force or NASA or some organization that could really pin this thing down."

"He says it's not the right time, Mrs. Marling. He's been in touch with the head of our government and our military forces and agreed to show up at any place agreeable to them. But our government laid down certain stipulations. Told him we'd have to determine when they came, when they would leave and when they could have their ship back. Cold wouldn't hear of it."


This article ran in Flying saucers - October 1967 by M. Spohn Marling


Thursday, November 27, 2008


Reported in Colonia Elia, Argentina

Posted: 26 Nov 2008 07:51 AM CST
Very early in the morning on October 8, a team from Vision Ovni headed for the locality of Colonia Elia in the Province of Entre Rios to research the manifestations of a strange creature that appears in smallholds and fields, slaying farm animals as well as calves and sheep. This was the information presented to us by the national media, which had taken an interest in the story. It was thanks to this interest that we became aware of the case.

Once we had reached the site, 260 kilometers distant along Route 14, we entered Colonia Elia through a dirt road in search of the witnesses. As always, we employed an old but sure-fire strategy to get information. We stopped a man who was riding along on horseback, and he quickly indicated the location of the Restayno family home. This was the family that had witnessed the events involving the unusual creature.

The witnesses warmly welcomed us: they showed us evidence of the mutilations, which was among the reasons for our trip, and quickly told us the details of the occurrences.

A Summary of the Restayno Family’s Experiences

Manifestations of this entity began a year ago, around September 15, when they found a dead chicken beside the granary, displaying strange marks, and a large print on the ground (see photo of plaster cast, courtesy of Daniel Padilla, researcher). The family’s boys – Matias and Gabriel – fully knowledgeable about the animals that wander the fields, could not recognize the type of marks left on the chicken’s breast and much less identify the footprint found near the dead animal. In an effort to glean further evidence, they found tear marks, made as if by claws, in the back of the hen house. The following night, early in the morning, the heard noises that prompted them to go outside to see what was happening. Matias, 16, was startled when he saw a bizarre figure scurry away among the vegetation at the back of the house; he described this figure as large (standing at least 1.70 meters) and swift in its getaway. Upon inspecting the hen house, they found a dead chicken with a large rip in it chest.

From that moment on, the family’s boys would not have a normal life again, as each night turned into an episode of chase and attempted capture of this creature, which turned the family’s life into a strange adventure. According to each family member, the “critter”, as they’ve dubbed it, seems more frightened than them. Whenever the possibility of an encounter exists, the reaction is always the same: flight.

All manner of snares have been laid out to trap this creature: otter traps, cages (lent by a neighbor who cares for endangered animals), and they even prepared a trap using old bedding elastic [...]. The creature was captured in each of these, but managed to free itself. The otter trap, however, inflicted serious injury, given that blood traces remained on the trap and on a nearby stone. These samples were taken for analytical purposes.

Manifestations have been constant. The witness see fleeting shadows and the entity’s claw-prints, such as the ones it left on a tree, as though it had used the wood to sharpen them, or its footsteps, which are easily seen because the boys, in their urge to secure evidence, began spreading ashes and rice powder around the hen houses.

The best was yet to come, and it would happen inside the house at three o’clock in the morning. Matias heard a noise behind the kitchen but within his home. This experience allowed Matias to clearly see the entity that had been engaged in the chicken mutilations. We managed to obtain an oral picture of the creature. We showed him a series of figures from our files, and he identified one of them as very similar, and based on that, he outlined the description of what confronted him that night.

He seized his carbine (.22 caliber) and quickly headed to the front of the house. When he drew the curtain of the room that houses his mother’s pantry and the cheese-making churns, he found the “critter” on top of the freezer, clearly intending to grab the churn. Matias’s immediate reaction was to fire, which he did four times without wounding it. The animal jumped through a window, spilling chicken entrails throughout the room.

This is from Phantom and Monsters


Sunday, November 23, 2008


By C. B. Scott Jones, Ph.D.

The field of exploration into UFO and ET phenomena is now in its own Phase Two. It has moved from showing that these phenomena are real to a search for how they relate to the lives of each one of us. Former fighter pilot, Navy Commander, and intelligence officer Scott Jones has been involved in both Phase One and Phase Two of this area of subtle energies.


Years ago, during the Cold War, a friend and I designed a project to play with the minds of Soviet leaders. What we wanted to do was to transmit information to the KGB that would have been very difficult for the CIA or any other intelligence service to gain - personal, inside the Politburo, gossip. It would have left them puzzling whether that information could possibly have come from a former, now deceased, Soviet leader. We hoped to plant the seed that there is more to "life" than the earth-based experience, an idea that might have caused them to reflect on the karmic implications of some of their actions.

Working with assorted former Soviet leaders in spirit, we finally got from Nikita Khrushchev the type of titillating Politburo gossip that we thought would get their attention. At that point, the Soviet leadership changed, and Gorbachev took over. I began to get feelings that what we were doing might not be a good idea. A friend called and invited me to attend a joint presentation by Caroline Myss and Sir George Trevelyan. This was welcome and I looked forward to asking Caroline and Genesis, the entity she channels, for some mid-course guidance. When Caroline and I were alone following her presentation, she suddenly said, "You are doing something with Russia, I want to hear about it." I told her about OVERLORD II, the name we had given our project, an invasion of the Soviet mind, and wondered if it was still a viable effort. She chided me, reminding me that she had told me before that I was my own psychic, and to do my own work. I responded that I did get my own input, but my concern was that much of it was so subtle that I missed it. She was quiet for about twenty seconds and then the powerful voice of Genesis spoke, "Dear Scott, what is subtle about the people we send to your office, and have call you on the phone, and send you faxes?" (This was pre-email). I was humbled by the truth. He then said, "Telling this chap about survival after death is like teaching your grandmother how to whistle." We closed down the project. I had been reminded again of the many ways that non local awareness works.

Cultural Trance: Manipulating Consensus Thinking

Cultural trance has intrigued me for years. Charles T. Tart, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, University of California at Davis, is an expert on this phenomenon, and his book, "Waking Up: Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential," covers the subject well. Tart refers to consensus trance, the sleep of everyday life, as our "normal" state of consciousness. He observes that to become "normal" involves a selective shaping: the development of approved potentials, and inhibition of disapproved ones. "When you automatically think, behave, and feel 'normal,' when the internal workings of your mind automatically echo most of the values and beliefs of your culture, you have achieved cultural consensus trance. Our interlocking set of beliefs includes the belief that we don't have a 'belief system.' Foreigners have strange 'beliefs,' but we know what is right!" (Tart, 1986, page 89).

Throughout history, there have always been institutions and individuals who have recognized the powerful potential of using and manipulating consensus thinking for their own purposes. The most successful counter-intelligence operations have been run by those with great insight into a culture's trance state. We are on the brink of challenging the world's consensus view of the nature of reality and the power of many established institutions and organizations around the world.

For ten years my small non-profit organization P.E.A.C.E., Inc. (, has been involved in encouraging colleges and universities around the world to adopt our Sustainable Peace and Development (SPD) program. A few have, and many more are considering it. The SPD program has some unique features, but the important point of our work is to involve the future leaders of the world during their college and university years in the study of conflict resolution and peace. Our pitch is that this will increase the odds that they will have a world in which to realize their dreams and express their genius. Until a year ago, all of this was most conventional and solidly within the bounds of every culture that has adopted the Western model of the university.

Challenging the Consensus View: The ET Phenomenon

However, for eighty years I have had personal experiences that appear to me to be related to extraterrestrial phenomena. The first event happened when I was an infant, dying from pneumonia. According to family history, the doctor had told them that the battle was over and he did not expect me to survive the night. My own memory of what happened was recovered after extensive hypnotic regression work and finally with deep, targeted meditation. What I saw was a tall Gray Alien step out of the shadows of the darkened room where I lay in a crib, and placed a hand over my flooded lungs. Someone apparently had other plans for me. The next morning the fever had broken, breathing was near normal, and I was hungry and cranky. Therefore, I was not surprised when I started getting input during meditation, the dream state, and particularly during travel to present the SPD program. The message I received was that the most important level of peace work was not terrestrial, but cosmic. I found this most intriguing and opened myself up, requesting details. The details are still flowing in, and I will share some of them here. With these recent messages I am again in the realm of subtle energies.

When you give serious thought to the potential impact of the disclosure that there are cultures from other star systems, and perhaps other dimensions, visiting Earth, the phrase, "Houston, we have a problem," takes on new meaning. It will be a massive challenge to the consensus view of what is real. Few of you reading this are unaware of the 1947 Roswell incident, and know of continuous reports from around the world of sightings of craft that can perform in ways that are beyond the most modern technology. There is probably much more we could see but do not because our cultural trance clouds our perceptions.

"Believers" have many sightings; "non-believers" have very, very few.

Could it be that off-earth cultures that are tens to hundreds of thousands of years older than Earth cultures are using a combination of technology and mind power to allow us to gradually experience what we can accept? That would be a very loving way of saying hello. I believe they have been saying "hello" in this way for over sixty years.

Now it appears that there is an additional message being sent: "The time for disclosure is at hand," and, "You either start disclosure or we will do it for you." I think that the reason for this timetable is very serious. The Visiting Others (my preferred collective label for the dozens of different visiting cultures that have been identified) have shown specific interest in our nuclear facilities. ICBM sites in both the US and Russia have been monitored by them, and to our great consternation, systems have been shut down during these visits. I speculate that now some country has either placed nuclear weapons in orbit, or is planning to do so, and this is a line in cosmic dust that we should not have crossed.

Government Disclosure Imminent

I was Special Assistant to Senator Claiborne Pell when he was Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. One of my joyful jobs was to visit research facilities in countries that we knew were seriously involved in the study of consciousness. The US was respected as well as feared in those years, and Pell could open the doors needed for my work. To my surprise and pleasure, the labs I visited in the Soviet Union that were involved in consciousness research were also responsible for trying to figure out the extraterrestrial enigma. They explained that since so much of what they were discovering about extraterrestrials was psychic in nature, that they were assigned both jobs. Their reference to psychic phenomena was specifically related to telepathic communications and to control of the craft, some of which appeared to be organic in nature. Now here are two interesting examples of the use of subtle energy: the first, telepathy, is very familiar, while the second, mind control of a living vehicle is less so.

The briefings about extraterrestrial research I received in Moscow and Leningrad were clearly based on the recovery of crashed extraterrestrial craft. I asked them if this was the case, and they confirmed it. Later Mikhail Gorbachev publicly stated that ETs were real and we needed to pay attention to them.

There is a direct correlation between the capability to view the dark side of the moon and movement toward disclosure. In July 2008, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is scheduled to launch its first mission to the moon. They will join the US, Russia, Japan, China, and the European Space Agency in this achievement. Even before this launch, there have been news stories in the Indian media that India is on the threshold of discovery of extraterrestrial moon bases. In September 1990 my visits with Chinese researchers on this subject were not as productive as later ones in November with their Russian counterparts. But a member of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did tell me that when the US made such an announcement, China would be a close second. France and Belgium have issued strong and concerned statements on the subject, and the UK has recently released thousands of pages from their UFO files, although what they have released is raw data without any assessments. In Japan, the issue has been broached in the Diet, their legislative assembly, and commented upon by the Defense and Science Minsters.

We do not know how coordinated the public comments from knowledgeable countries about extraterrestrial contact with Earth are, but we do know with confidence that no country has a monopoly on the knowledge and that the fraternity of countries with proof in hand is growing. The inevitability of disclosure, coordinated or not, is assured, and my assessment is that the US has been pressured by the increasing number of countries that can speak with authority about the subject, to initiate its own strategy for disclosure.

There are bound to be some serious issues ahead in confronting our cultural trance. I believe that the little Grays, one of the types of Visiting Others, are androids with just enough consciousness to do what they are programmed to do. I am sure that they are semiconscious from abundant data about their ability to induce a range of emotions from stark fear to calming peacefulness. Their culture is limited to what their creators want them to be capable of doing. The real business will be with their creators and controllers.

Contactee reports about various races of Visiting Others are confounding and complex, exactly what we would expect when trying to figure out an entity with an unimaginable IQ and whose likely principal recreation during an eight-hundred year life span has been mind games. The primary mode of communications with the visiting Others is telepathy. I suspect that when the VOs really want to make a point they will amplify the subtle energy involved in telepathy to a voice-in-the-head level.

The Task Ahead

What can we do about what lies ahead? We all must transform to move away from violence, avarice and uncaring and become peaceful, compassionate and generous. Perhaps these turnabouts could impress the Visiting Others as they decide what is in the best interest of the cosmos. President Reagan's Star War solution to an alien threat was a dream for the military-industrial complex, and probably caused a few Visiting Others to question if they had seriously overestimated human intelligence.

My peace mission now involves something I have called "Plan C." It is designed to prepare the global public for disclosure; to influence the strategy of disclosure by the terrestrial powers to achieve the most positive outcome for everyone; and to send a message to the Visiting Others that we are concerned, determined, vigilant, and working hard to merit inclusion in the Cosmic Community as a trustworthy, intelligent, valuable and peaceful member.

Right now we don't meet any of these conditions. What that means is that disclosure either results in a massive transformation of our current global economic and political system, or it will be "Lights out, Earth."

Earth is important, but we have failed to organize and function in a way that honors and protects that importance. Pay attention to disclosure. Get involved. It is a one-in-a-world event, where, as always, subtle energy abounds. If individual transformative action isn't enough to pull this off, nothing can. Ralph Waldo Emerson has nailed this: What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. No surgeon's scalpel can access these realms. Only the most subtle energies reach these treasures of power and knowledge.

We thank Dr. Leo Sprinkle who submitted this article. It is from Bridges Magazine, Summer, 2008

Thursday's Child

Thursday, November 20, 2008


The devil is in the detail – The Spyros Melaris story
By Philip Mantle

It was 1993 when I was first contacted by London businessman Ray Santilli. It was l995 when Santilli’s controversial ‘Alien Autopsy Film’ was released around the world. I have covered events surrounding this film in many publications around the world and in my book ‘ALIEN AUTOPSY INQUEST’ so forgive me if I don’t cover old ground here.

On June 22nd 2007 I travelled by train to London to meet up with Ray Santilli and his business partner Gary Shoefield. We had a pleasant lunch together and Ray Santilli showed me some frames of film encased in a type of perspex material. Santilli claimed these were original vintage 1947 frames of film from the alien autopsy. As they came with no official seal of approval or had been authenticated by anyone they were useless.

Within a couple of days of this meeting my friend and colleague Russel Callaghan, editor of UFO DATA magazine, had a phone call from a man by the name of Spyros Melaris. This man claimed he had lead the team that faked the whole alien autopsy film. He was a magician and filmmaker and he was now ready to spill the beans. He gave Russel a run down of the who, what, why and where of the whole affair. Because of my involvement in this affair Russel was soon on the phone to me with the details. It wasn’t long before I spoke to Spyros Melaris myself and he was telling me things in great detail. During the next few weeks I had several telephone conversations with Spyros Melaris and also put him in contact with US TV producer Robert (Bob) Kiviat at his request. Spyros was considering the best way to go public with his story, he had a book planned and thought that a TV documentary might also be a good idea.

Along with my colleagues Russel Callaghan, Michael Buckley and Steve Johnston, I was one of the co-organisers of the UFO DATA annual conference. It just so happened, that the 2007 conference had a loose Roswell theme to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Roswell Incident. My colleagues and I discussed the possibility of asking Spyros Melaris to make his first public statement on this whole thing at our conference and eventually he agreed. The conference itself was held over the weekend of October 20th & 21st 2007 in Pontefract, West Yorkshire. A packed audience saw Spyros take the stage on Sunday October 21st. I had met him in person for the first time the night before at the hotel and I made loose arrangements to formally interview him at his home later in the year. As promised, Spyros took to the stage and told of his involvement in the making of the alien autopsy film. A small few members of the audience were rather upset to hear this but the vast majority were fascinated by what he had to say.

I made arrangements to visit the home of Spyros Melaris on November 16th 2007 and I drove to his house in Hertfordshire with my partner Christine. Before the formal audio-taped interview began we had lunch with Spyros and his lovely wife Anne. Over lunch Spyros showed us some of the documentary evidence he has to support his claims. This included his diary from l995, hand drawn sketches of the alien, a full list of hand painted story board images of the whole alien autopsy film, original fax messages from Kodak in the USA providing copies of l947 fill canister labels, and a large portfolio of research material. This was mainly of vintage (l940’s) US military vehicles and some vintage US military medical photographs. The interview itself lasted around two hours and we only touched the tip of the iceberg. The full interview can be located online at: (Alien Autopsy Information section). I would like to thank my colleague Steve Johnston for transcribing this interview in full. The following is based on that interview.

Who is Spyros Melaris

As the name might give it away Spyros was originally born in Cyprus. As a boy he was taught a magic trick by his grandfather and his love of magic was born. The other passion as a boy growing up in the UK was film making. At school he told his careers officer that he wanted to be an actor but this was discouraged. A proper job was what he should have. So a proper job he took and after leaving school became an apprentice trained motor mechanic. However, his love of magic and film making eventually won over and he eventually became a magician and a filmmaker. He now owns his own TV studio in London and makes TV shows for all the major networks in the UK and independent production companies alike. In short in his owns words we make programmes for “anyone who books us.”

How Did he Meet Ray Santilli

In January 1995 he was to attend the MIDEM music industry event in Cannes, France. He was taking a film crew there and had some spare time on his hands so he sent fax messages to 4 production companies picked at random from a media directory. He basically asked them if they wanted to hire him and his crew while in Cannes. One of these happened to be the Merlin Group owned by Ray Santilli. Spyros and Ray Santilli had a few telephone conversations but did not meet and arranged to meet in Cannes. By pure chance they bumped into each other at a restaurant in Cannes and it was here that Ray Santilli fist told Spyros Melaris that he had obtained film footage of an alien. Holding back a smirk Spyros asked Santilli if he was serious and he replied he was, not only that he wanted Spyros to make a documentary from this footage. They eventually agreed to meet at Ray Santilli’s office back in London. A few days later Spyros kept his appointment with Santilli at his office in London. Here he met an almost distraught Ray Santilli who told him he’d bought this film but it had turned out to be very poor quality. Spyros was shown what has become known as the ‘tent footage’ and he immediately recognised it as been shot on video. The tape he was shown was on VHS format. Santilli seemed surprised that he had recognised it as being shot on video so quickly and he realised the game was up. Again in Spyros’s own words “. If I can’t get it past this guy, I’m not going to get it past anyone else. He realised it was game up. That’s when the meeting ended. I thought the guy’s mad. He’s trying a fast one. I thought it was over at that point.”

So How Did The Idea of a Fake Film Come About

Melaris met up with his friend and colleague John Humphreys. Humphreys is a Royal Academy trained sculptor whose work had sometimes overlapped into film and TV special effects. Melaris and Humphreys had known each other for a long time and had worked on a number of things together in the past. Melaris simply put the idea to Humphreys, “John, do you fancy sculpting an alien?” Melaris told Humphreys of his meeting with Santilli and basically came up with the idea of making it. They talked things over from a legal point of view and how it might help them break into other projects, even Hollywood. The idea was to make it, release it to the world and then make a second programme shortly after showing how they did it. Humphreys agreed and Melaris pitched the idea to Santilli. Santilli looked like a man reborn almost and agreed. The budget put forward by Melaris was about £30,000 and it was Santilli’s business partner and friend Volker Spielberg who put up the money. The funding was in place, contracts and a confidentiality agreement were signed and the ball was rolling.

The Team Behind The Making of The Film

First off there was Spyros Melaris. He designed and directed the film, directed, instructed and paid the rest of the team, made the autopsy table along with many of the other props, he also made the ‘contamination suits’ as well as obtain the props and cameras. The main researcher behind it all was Spyros’s then girlfriend Geraldine. She was the one who checked the medical books, spoke with surgeons and pathologists and she even played the part of the nurse in the film. Geraldine is not her real name as she wishes to remain anonymous. John Humphreys of course made the alien’s bodies. The mould was actually made from John’s ten year-old son who was quite tall. As a trained sculptor Humphreys had also studied anatomy so he was the man who played the surgeon in the film. Another friend of Spyros’s was Greg Simmons. He was seen occasionally in the film in one of the contamination suits and he also played the part of the soldier in the Debris Footage. Gareth Watson, a colleague of Santilli’s and Shoefield’s was the man in the surgical mask behind the glass, and finally Spyros’s brother Peter helped behind the scenes. The set was built in Geraldine’s house in Camden in London. The property was in the process of being converted into three flats (apartments) at the time and was therefore empty. The props were obtained from someone Spyros knew in the USA. She was not told what they were for and were all ordered separately and delivered to different addresses so as not to arouse suspicion. The camera’s were obtained by Spyros, one bought and one borrowed from a friend.

Why Are There Two Separate Autopsy Films

According to Spyros the first ‘Alien Autopsy’ film went pretty much as planned. However, upon completion Geraldine noticed that a few of the medical procedures were not correct. They therefore had to make another creature and film another one. Apparently Santilli was ready for packing it all in at this point as there was no more money in the budget to film it again. They persevered and made another one at Spyros’s cost the very next day. This too was not without problems. The foam latex used to fill the dummy had not worked right and an air bubble had left a hollow space in the creature’s leg. Humphreys was despatched to the local butchers by Spyros to get a leg joint of a sheep. This was inserted into the hollow part in the alien’s right leg, a few other things were added, the outside of the leg was gently burnt with a blowtorch and hey presto, the leg wound. Some of the inner organs were manufactured by Melaris, and animal organs were also used for the alien’s innards, although altered with a scalpel and coated with latex. The alien’s brain was actually made from three sheep’s brains and part of a pig’s brain cast in gelatine. This is how there came to be two separate autopsy films one of which was shown in its entirety, while the second one made, has only ever been released in part.

The Wreckage and I-beams.

These were all designed by Spyros himself. At the October 2007 UFO DATA conference Spyros showed me how he had designed the ‘writing’ on them and what it said. The wreckage was then manufactured by John Humphreys, Spyros and his brother Peter. He told me that he based it on Greek lettering, a bit of ancient Egyptian stylising and some artistic license. On the main large beam, if translated correctly it reads ‘FREEDOM’. Spyros thought this a fitting name for an alien spacecraft. While designing the letters which spell the word ‘FREEDOM’, Spyros noticed that if the word is turned upside down, the word ‘VIDEO’ could be seen. He adjusted some of the letters to better facilitate this, so the piece would throw a little red herring into the mix. The translation of the smaller beam is being held back for Spyros’s book.

The Cameraman’s Home Video Interview

According to Melaris, Ray Santilli was put under a lot of pressure by various parties to arrange an interview with the fictitious cameraman he allegedly bought the film from. Of course according to Melaris there was no such person so he came up with the idea of creating this aspect of the whole affair as well. The basic scenario is that Melaris flew to Los Angeles and met up with Santilli’s partner Gary Shoefield. Melaris wanted to find an eighty year old tramp on the streets of L.A. Pay him a few hundred dollars, put him in front of a camera and ask him to read from a script. Santilli and Shoefield were nervous, and not sure this would work but Spyros was confident he could pull this off, and went ahead. He found an old guy living rough on the street, offered him $500 and a night in the hotel and he duly agreed. Again, by pure chance the chap had been an actor many years ago. Melaris took his name and the name of a movie he had appeared in. These details will be released in his book. He cleaned him up, gave him a shave, added a bit of make up and a false prosthetic nose and chin and the job was done. The man himself did not know what he was reading or where it was going to be used. There was little chance that he would see the broadcast either. No one would recognise him in a thousand years. And they never did. This film was delivered in person in New York to US TV producer Bob Kiviat by Gary Shoefield and a man claiming to be the cameraman’s son. Eventually the film in question was broadcast on TV in Japan only and from there it was copied and distributed to UFO researchers around the world. The trick worked, no one has identified the man in question, and Melaris claims he is the only one who can do this.

The Crash Site

There are a number of people who believe the alien autopsy film is authentic, not because of the film itself but because of the crash site. Ray Santilli released details, supposedly from his cameraman, as to where the incident took place in the desert. How did this come about? Well, according to Spyros this was quite simple. In l995 he flew to Roswell. Here he interviewed many local people including Loretta Proctor. Mrs. Proctor was the neighbour of rancher Mac Brazel and it was she who suggested that Mac take some of the UFO debris into town after he found it. Spyros also met and hired private pilot Rodney Corn. He asked corn to fly him over the UFO crash site, to which he replied “which one.” There are in fact at least three such sites. So, Spyros flew over all three of them, filming as he went. Rodney Corn was able to show Spyros a great deal from the air, far better than would have been possible on foot. This included small dirt roads and long forgotten landmarks. Before the interview took place Spyros also informed me that he obtained both old and new maps of the area. All of this information was handed to Ray Santilli and it was Santilli, not Spyros, who then put it all together to make a location for a nonexistent crash site.

The Grand Plan

I asked Spyros what was the grand plan. The research was done, the film was made, so what next. Apparently it was a rather simple plan. To release the film to a broadcaster, ask them to investigate and see what happens. They were confident that it would not be exposed as a fake. Then, after a few months the plan was to hold their hands up and tell all. The reason this didn’t happen was money. Spyros had signed a confidentiality agreement with Ray Santilli and Santilli was still adamant that he needed to recoup his initial investment allegedly paid for the tent footage. Santilli told Melaris that he had invested a lot of money on this film and he must re coup that before they were to go public. Santilli reminded Spyros that he was bound by the confidentiality agreement and he was not to say or do anything until Santilli said so. Apart from a cheque for about £10,000, which Spyros split with his team, no royalties were ever paid. Santilli told him that due to the fact that he had stated publicly that it was a military film, that it had simply been copied by third parties without permission and used without payment as the people who were using the film believed that the copyright was vested with the US Military and not with Santilli. Eventually time went on and Spyros just got on with life. He was constantly working on other projects with Santilli and earning a living and the alien autopsy film was all but forgotten.

Going Public

The one thing that I first asked Spyros was why was it that he had decided to go public with this information now. It was twelve years since the alien autopsy film hit the headlines. Melaris stuck to his confidentiality agreement. From a legal point of view if he broke it he could have been sued. However, in 2005 he was approached by Santilli and Shoefield to be involved in the movie version of this whole affair. He asked both if they would now tell the true story and reveal that it was all a fake but they said no, they were going to maintain that they really did have original film. Again Santilli and Shoefield stated that there was no money in it and that they were doing it for “a bit of fun” when pressed they admitted that both Santilli and Shoefield would get paid a percentage of the profits, there was no such offer for Melaris. Melaris declined their offer. He left that meeting under the impression that the movie was not going to be made. However, the movie was made and distributed by Warner Bros and so Melaris felt that he was now able to speak as the story was now in the public domain.

The Doubters

To round off the interview I asked Spyros Melaris what he had to say to the doubters out there, those that believe the alien autopsy film is the genuine article. I’m not going to paraphrase this; instead I will use his words in full:

PM: Time’s against us, Spyros. I’ll ask one last question. There are those out there who believe in this film and Santilli 100% and they think that you’re some kind of pathological liar, playing devil’s advocate here, so please don’t be offended.

SM: No. Go ahead.

PM: What would you say if you could say one thing to the doubters out there? Is there any one thing that you can say that would say to them Spyros Melaris is who he says he is and has made this film?

SM: I don’t think that there’s any doubt that somebody made it today. That’s fair to say that somebody made the film and even Santilli said it’s a fake, but it was made from original film. I think that’s really the question. The question isn’t whether I made it because I can prove I made it. John Humphries will tell you I made it. Ray would probably tell you I made it! He couldn’t deny it. There’s too much evidence. The question is did I make it from original film? And the simple answer to that is no. There was never any original film other than the tent footage. I’ve never seen any other film. Ray maintains that he’s got original film. My question to Ray is how would that film marry with what I made? It can’t. I haven’t actually seen the film. Now you may say, “Maybe you’re lying and you did see the film and you made it.”

The story’s a bigger story if there was a real film. There would be more money in it. There wouldn’t be a reason for me and Ray to be parted. Why would we fall out? The common sense has got to come into the argument. I’m part of something as big as real film of a real alien. Why would I jeopardize being part of that and go off on my own? There’s no reason to. That’s the first thing.

The second thing. I promise you, something happened in Roswell. I’m not an easy person… I’m a sceptic. I’m not an easy person to convince. Thirty people that I talked to out there, clever people, doctors, lecturers, all sorts of people tell me they saw something. And I believe them. Something happened. A lot of ordinary people. Something happened. So, I don’t think there’s dispute about whether or not something happened in Roswell or other sightings or whether or not everything’s fake. No, I don’t think everything’s fake. I do know this is. I also know that if Ray had original film, he’d be jumping through hoops to let you test it. I’m sorry, but that’s what you would do. You would say, “Give me billions of pounds for this.” That’s what you would say. You would say, “I’ve got nothing to worry about. The cameraman doesn’t want to speak, but look at the film.” That’s what you’d do! That’s what you would do.

PM: Say no more.


Once again I would like to reiterate that this is only part of what Spyros Melaris had to tell me. The full-unedited interview can be found in the alien autopsy section of our web site at:
Checking The Facts

So how do we check that what Spyros Melaris is telling us is correct? It is no easy task I can assure you. The documentary material shown to me by Spyros is intriguing but not proof positive. My colleague Mark Center in the USA checked the private pilot Rodney Corn for me and he does exist. Mark spoke to him on the phone but he has no recollection of being hired by Spyros Melaris. This could be because he was hired by Geraldine, and we are talking about an event which happened over 12 years ago.

At the UFO DATA conference in October 2007 was German researcher Michael Hesemann. Michael was also one of the speakers that weekend. Michael investigated the alien autopsy film from l995 through to l997 and believes it to be authentic. After the conference when Michael was back home in Germany he sent me an email that quite frankly left me stunned. He admitted for the first time that in l996 someone sent Michael an email telling him that Spyros Melaris was the hoaxer. Hesemann had never shared this information with anyone. I asked him what he did with it and he simply told me that he phoned Ray Santilli and asked him if he knew this man to which Santilli replied he did not. Michael told me he left it at that. However, Spyros Melaris independently informed me that in l996 he had received a phone call from someone with a German accent asking him if he was the hoaxer and he of course denied it. He did not know who the caller was until he met Hesemann at our conference. I pressed Michael about this and eventually he admitted he did phone Spyros back in l996. Why Michael Hesemann never shared this information with anyone else is beyond me. In his defence Michael has stated that there were others mentioned at the time and he did not want to spread false rumours, but these others names were circulated and eliminated. I have to be honest and say here and now that I cannot understand why Hesemann sat on this information and never told anyone. I leave it to you to make up your own mind. A colleague of mine who is a veteran TV and movie special effects artist also took a look at the interview with Spyros. In his considered opinion the techniques and materials used by Melaris and his team to make the fake alien creature are 100% correct. There is no question in his mind that the dummies were made in the way described. He does have a few questions he’d like to ask, but these are purely little points of clarification and there is nothing wrong with what Melaris has had to say.

The other main person involved in all of this is of course US TV producer Bob Kiviat. Several years back my colleague Tim Mathews and I were tipped off about John Humphreys, Humphreys was part of the team and he made the dummies. Bob tried for years to get Humphreys on camera and make a TV documentary but all to no avail. Eventually Bob did make a TV show for Channel 5 but without Humphreys in it. This was never broadcast. Both Humphreys and Melaris have spoken at length to Bob Kiviat about their involvement in this whole affair so I took the opportunity to ask Bob a few questions on December 4th 2007. This mini question and answer session is reproduced here in full:

Q: How many times did you speak with UK sculptor John Humphreys?

A: Once before the Ant & Dec movie came out. In approximately 2003. Once after that.

Q: Did Humphreys tell you on what he based the design for his alien creatures?

A: Yes, just on his own research, books and such. No other help.

Q: Did Humphreys ever see any original film, stills or otherwise?

A: No, never. He claimed it all came from his creative efforts and book research.

Q: During your conversations with Humphreys did he ever mention the name Spyros Melaris?

A: Yes. He said Spyros was the one who hired him for Santilli, who he met perhaps twice and came to the set once. All the money came through Spyros. Also, Spyros was the cameraman.

Q: Did Humphreys provide the names of anyone else involved. If yes what are those names?

A: No other names.

Q: Why was Humphreys looking to work with you on a documentary?

A: Yes, Humphreys wanted me to get him a network TV show based on his revelations that he made the autopsy footage, with Spyros acting as money man and cameraman, who he believed was working for Santilli.

Q: Was Humphreys going to tell all and sink the stories put out by Ray Santilli?

A: Yes, but until I got a commitment from a TV network and guaranteed money for his exclusive he kept much close to his chest.

Q: Did you speak to Humphreys agent/advisor?

A: Yes, his business manager was my main contact for all of 2003 and 2004, and it was he who informed me John was going to do the Ant & Dec movie, without giving me the details. There would also be a companion documentary “that would be my worst nightmare,” he said.

Q: If you did, what did he tell you about Humphreys involvement and reasons for wanting to spill the beans?

A: Instead of Humphreys spilling the beans to me, his manager clearly implied John had lost patience and saw a payday elsewhere – the movie, etc.

Q: You made a TV documentary for Channel 5 in 2006 in which I appeared, could you tell us why it was never broadcast?

Channel 5 was rushing instructions to my productions offices in L.A. from England telling me how the show needed to be styled, and they also wanted to move the airdate up to an almost impossible deadline. We were working around the clock already to appease the Channel 5 executive in charge when one of the top people at FIVE actually listed the show in a TV guide of some sort. That’s when Gary Shoefield contacted FIVE and falsely claimed Ray Santilli was involved in the ownership of my original Fox show, which the new FIVE show was jumping off from. It was an outright fabrication, for my company has the only US copyright to the show AND THE ALIEN AUTOPSY FOOTAGE ITSELF! While we were sorting through this false claim, we interviewed you. When the FIVE executives saw you naming Humphreys as the guy who made the dummy and who was the key pro behind the footage, they wanted confirmation so they ILLEGALLY contacted Humphreys through a consulting producer. Humphreys freaked out, told them he wanted nothing to do with the FIVE show and said he had to contact Warner Bros. Ultimately FIVE reneged on their agreement with my distributor, my distributor did not fight for the airing, and this is how things were left. I’m still debating what course of action I can take to recover my substantial losses and DAMAGE!

Q: You have spoken on the telephone at length with Spyros Melaris. Are you convinced he is telling the truth?

A: For the most part, I can’t find any outlandish things that make his story unbelievable. But I do wonder how he could have been so naïve about the amount of money Santilli was making around the world. This part seems odd, as if he was playing dumb. On the contrary, he seems very bright. And if Ray gave him just enough work to keep him quiet afterward, I still wonder why he let all the other money go into Ray’s pocket without him demanding his share. This doesn’t add up, literally, pound for pound.

Q: You have been involved with the Alien Autopsy film since 1995, you have interviewed or spoken to most if not all the main players in it all, so what now is your conclusion?

A: I’m going to need more time to answer that question. Spryros’ actions or non actions in court will have a lot to do with this, and I’m looking into another intriguing angle that could impact my conclusions.

Robert Kiviat. End of interview.

It is clear from this brief interview with Bob Kiviat that there are slight differences between what John Humphreys says about his role in the faking of the film and what Melaris says. However, Humphreys does state quite clearly that it was Spyros Melaris who was the money man it was Melaris who hired him on behalf of Santilli. Humphreys also confirms without any doubt that there never was any original film. It was a complete and utter fabrication.

I could go on but I think I’ve made my point. In l996 Spyros Melaris was outlined as the hoaxer to German researcher Michael Hesemann. In 2003 US TV producer Bob Kiviat spoke with UK sculptor John Humphreys who confirmed that Spyros was the man in charge and that there was no original film. In 2007 Spyros Melaris goes on the record for the first time and tells how it was all made. Well, perhaps not all. Spyros is holding back certain things for his book, which will be available in early 2008. And as for Ray Santilli, well he’s pretty quiet at the moment but I doubt if he will ever own up as he is quite simply in it too deep.

The long awaited book by Spyros Melaris ‘ALIEN AUTOPSY: The Myth Exposed’ comes with an accompanying DVD.

If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the book it is available February 2008, advanced orders can be placed with DIGInet UK Publications, P.O. Box 60908, London W12 7UT or from Amazon. E-mail orders should be sent to

About the author:

Philip Mantle is an international author, researcher, lecturer and broadcaster on the UFO subject. His book ALIEN AUTOPSY INQUEST is available now via Amazon. He can be contacted on email at:

I want to thank Philip Mantle for sending this writeup to me. I think it explains just what happened and we can forget the autopsy film forever!


Sunday, November 16, 2008


By Ken Meaux

I take pleasure in sharing with you the following occurrence because I personally interviewed one of the parties involved and have repeatedly gone over the incident with him these past six years. L.C. (his real initials) has been my friend for fifteen years, but as we visited together one day about six years ago, he told me of this most amazing event in his life which haunts him to this day.

L.C. and a business associate, Charlie, (fictitious name) had just finished lunch in the small Southwest Louisiana town of Abbeville. Still discussing their work, they began their drive north along Highway 167 towards the Oil Center city of Lafayette about 15 miles away. The date was October 20 and the time was about 1:30 in the afternoon. It was one of those picture-perfect days in Fall - clear blue skies and a nippy 60 degrees, just right conditions for cruising along with the car windows rolled down.

The highway had been practically traffic-free until they spotted some distance ahead what appeared to be an old turtle-back type auto traveling very slowly. As they closed the distance between their vehicle and this relic from the past, their discussion turned from their insurance work to the old car ahead of them. While the style of the auto indicated it to be decades old, it appeared to be in show room condition, which evoked words of admiration from both L.C. and Charlie. Because the car was traveling so slowly, the two men decided to pass it, but before doing so, slowed to better appreciate the beauty and mint condition of the vehicle. As they did so, L.C. noticed a very large bright orange license plate with the year "1940" clearly printed on it. This was most unusual and probably illegal unless provisions had been made for the antique car to be used in ceremonial parades.

As they passed the car slowly to its left, L.C., who was in the passenger's seat, noticed the driver of the car was a young woman dressed in what appeared to be 1940 vintage clothing and wearing a hat complete with a long colored feather and a fur coat was, to say the least, a bit unusual. A small child stood on the seat next to her, possibly a little girl. The gender of the child was hard to determine as it too wore a heavy coat and cap. The windows of her car were rolled up, a fact which puzzled L.C. because, though the temperature was nippy, it was quite pleasant and a light sweater was sufficient to keep you comfortable. As they pulled up next to the car, their study turned to alarm as their attention was riveted to the animated expressions of fear and panic on the woman's face. Driving alongside of her at a near crawl (no traffic in either direction allowed this maneuvering) they could see her frantically looking back and forth as if lost or in need of help. She appeared on the verge of tears.

Being on the passenger's side, L.C. called out to her and asked if she needed help. To this she nodded "yes," all the while looking down (old cars sat a little higher than the low profiles of today's cars) with a very puzzled look at their vehicle. L.C. motioned to her to pull over and park on the side of the road. He had to repeat the request several times with hand signs and mouthing the words because her window was rolled up and it seemed she had difficulty hearing them. They saw her begin to pull over so they continued to pass her so as to safely pull over also in front of her. As they came to a halt on the shoulder of the road, L.C. and Charlie turned to look at the old car behind them. However, to their astonishment, there was no sign of the car. Remember, this was on an open highway with no side roads nearby, no place to hide a car. It and its occupants had simply vanished.

L.C. and Charlie looked back at the empty highway. As they sat in the car, spellbound and bewildered, it was obvious to them that a search would prove futile. Meanwhile, the driver of a vehicle that had been behind the old car pulled over behind them. He ran to L.C. and Charlie and frantically demanded an explanation as to what had become of the car ahead of him. His account was as follows.

He was driving North on Highway 167 when he saw, some distance away, a new car passing up a very old car at a slow peace, so slow that they appeared to be nearly stopped. He saw the new car pull onto the shoulder and the old car started to do the same. Momentarily, it obstructed the new car and then suddenly disappeared. All that remained ahead of him was the new car on the shoulder of the highway. Desperate to associate logic to this incredible sight, he immediately assumed an accident had occurred. Indeed, an accident had not occurred, but something more haunting, perhaps as tragic, and certainly more mysterious had.

After discussing what each had seen from his perspective, the three men walked the area for an hour. The third man, who was from out of state, insisted on reporting the incident to the police. He felt that it was a "missing person" situation and that they had been witnesses. L.C. and Charlie refused to do so as they had no idea where the woman and child, along with the car had gone. They were missing alright, but no police on this plane of existence had the power to find them. The third man finally decided that without their cooperation he could not report this on his own for fear his sanity would be questioned. He did exchange addresses and phone numbers with L.C. and Charlie. For years he kept in touch with them, calling just to talk about this incident and to confirm again that he had seen what he had.

High strangeness points to ponder over: what if -- she was from the past, and went forward in time, and she is now an old lady still living today, and what if on that same day it had been her instead of L.C. and Charlie behind the "old car," that same now old lady would have met herself. What if -- the Earth itself has a super mentality and it creates as a cosmic joke all these anomalies of life on its surface just for its amusement or some other esoteric reason. What if -- and this is the final and most depressing of the "what ifs," she had come from the past, popped into the future and did not return to her past. The newspapers of 1940 would puzzle over a disappearance of a mother and her child one cold October day, foul play suspected, the search continues -- while she and the child continue traveling in and out of various time zones forever.


See you soon!

Thursday's Child

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Back in July, 1965, there were three boys spending the night in sleeping bags in the backyard of a home in southwest Seattle. Two of the boys wee awakened by a loud fluctuating humming noise and a brilliant light that bathed the whole area in a white glow. They saw a circular object, roughly 4 feet in diameter, with a transparent dome on which was a rotating fixture the boys referred to as a periscope. On the bottom were four appendages that looked like the coiled springs from old fashioned car seats and were thought by the boys to be feelers.

The object descended to within 3 feet of the ground, then began maneuvering around the lawn. When it came close to the boys, they leaped to their feet, grabbed their sleeping companion in his sleeping bag, and literally dragged him into the house.

From this sanctuary in company with one boy's parents, they watched the object until it disappeared, a matter of a few minutes. While it was searching around the yard one of the boys had left his shoes outside when they hurriedly ran for the house. The craft picked up his shoes and put them inside the craft!

It later developed that the object had broken a power line in its descent and was seen to have entered, then left, a storage shed, leaving a messed up interior in its wake.

The boys found a scorched spot on one of the sleeping bags, and the grass in the area over which the UFO had hovered turned yellow and died.

About four months after that July sighting, a teen-aged youth was spending the night with a friend of his in the north section of Seattle. They were both bright boys, one was a straight A student and neither had displayed any particular interest in UFOs.

This night, November, it was, they had stayed up watching TV with the adults until 1 a.m. When they got into their bunk beds, they noticed a bright light shining through the drapes. The boy in the top bunk reached out to pull back the drapes to see what was causing the light. He received a shock, like an electrical shock. He snatched his arm back, but later tried again and this time the boys saw an oval object, 15 feet in diameter, sitting between their house and the neighboring one, about 6 feet away from them.

An alien creature, 7 feet tall, was standing beside the craft, pounding against the side of the house. The blows struck just above the head of the boy in the top bunk. The one boy called for his parents, but the shouts apparently sere dismissed as normal high spirits, and the parents didn't respond.

Let's communicate with him, one boy said, perhaps accepting the wall of the house as a sufficient bulwark against danger.

They settled upon their own code which they hoped to put across telepathically to the out side visitor. They would ask questions. A YES should be indicated by a speed-up in the continuing humming sound made by the craft. If NO the hum would remain the same.

Q. Do you have blood in your veins? No speed up.
Q. What have you in your veins? Water? No speed up.
Q. Do you have a water-like substance? Liquid? Definite speed up.
Q. Are you from another planet? Boys then started naming planets.
Q. Venus? No speed up
Q. Mars? No speed up
Q. Jupiter? Definite speed up

They spent an hour on these questions, then heard a pronounced dot-dot-dot-dash sound that led them to think the craft was leaving. They tried one more question. "Will you return?" There was a perceptible increase in the hum.

(One question that was left out of this write up is when the boys asked the alien how he could fit in that little tiny craft. He answered through the yes and no system that the insides were much different in size than the outside. That reminds me of Carl Higdon that was abducted on Elk Mountain in Wyoming. He was put inside a little craft that had 5 elk in it too! Somehow he and the elk were miniaturized to fit.)

The next morning a dark smudge was found on the outside wall of the white house where the alien creature was said to have pounded. (It was approximately 10 feet above the ground) The boys and their parents, reputable business people, wanted no publicity on the incident and it was a month before word of the landing reached Bob Gribble. We visited the home with a compass. The needle went wild in the immediate area of the landing site, showing a strong distortion in the magnetic field. We also found an oily residue that we collected on the grass and put it into a jar. I took it home hoping to find someone to analyze it but that never happened. It had an odd smell about it too. Hope it wasn't his potty break!

We were told that one of the sighters previously had been an adventuresome boy, afraid of nothing, the type who would quickly accept a challenge to "walk though a cemetery on a moonless night." Since his experience, the youth has refused to go out at night unless accompanied by an adult.


Sunday, November 9, 2008


On Saturday night Larry Haber, the Titor attorney, was on Coast to Coast am. It was a repeat but nevertheless interesting. John's mother was also on but by another telephone. George would ask Larry a question directed at her and she would answer Larry, Larry in turn would give the answer to George.

George asked when was the last time she saw the future John Titor. she said she hasn't seen him since 2001.

He then asked how old is the present John and she said eight years old. This interview was a year old.

He asked if the future John Titor and the present one had ever come face to face and she said yes, they were together here.

George asked if the future John had told the mother about any events that were to happen. She said she did not want to know as it was too frightening to her.

She said the future John had come in 1998 to visit them in Florida (they have since moved to Nebraska). Later he came back and stayed three years with them.

Asked if he had done any more time traveling, she said no. He is still in his time period.

I looked up the book she has written, titled, "John Titor a Time Traveler's Tale". On Amazon it was priced at $1,000. A used one was $499. It contains 169 pages and it is self published. Larry said a movie is being made about John Titor also.

The following is from Wikipedia about John Titor.

From Wikipedia,

John Titor is the name used on several bulletin boards during 2000 and 2001 by a poster claiming to be a time traveler from the year 2036. In these posts he made numerous predictions (a number of them vague, some quite specific about events in the near future, starting with events in 2004. He described a drastically changed future in which the United States had broken into five smaller regions, the environment and infrastructure had been devastated by a nuclear attack, and most other world powers had been destroyed.

To date, the story has been retold on numerous web sites, in a book, and in a play. He has also been discussed occasionally on the radio show Coast to Coast AM. In this respect, the Titor story may be unique in terms of broad appeal from an originally limited medium, an Internet discussion board.

Titor's posts

The first post appeared on the Time Travel Institute forums on November 2, 2000, under the name TimeTravel 0. At the time the posts had nothing to do with future events and the name "John Titor" was not being used. Instead, the posts discussed time travel in general, the first one being the "six parts" description of what a time machine would need to have to work and responses to questions about how such a machine would work. Early messages tended to be short.

Soon after, TimeTravel_0 claimed to be a time traveler from the future and began posting varying descriptions of his time. Gradually he began answering questions posted in the forum and started to reveal a more complex picture of the future. Although most of his posts concerned the condition of the world in the future, Titor also responded to questions both in the forums and in IRC, and sometimes posted images purporting to be of the time travel device or its manual. He also sometimes talked about more current events; for instance, in an early post he stated that "The breakthrough that will allow for [time travel] technology will occur within a year or so [2001] when CERN brings their larger facility online".

The name "John Titor" was not introduced until January 2001, when TimeTravel_0 began posting at the Art Bell BBS Forums (which required a name or pseudonym for every account). The Titor posts ended in late March 2001. Eventually, a number of the threads became corrupted; but Titor's posts had been saved on subscribers' hard drives and were copied to, along with new discussions of the science behind Titor's time traveling as well as his predictions. Around 2003, various websites reproduced Titor's posts, re-arranging them into narratives. Not all refer to the original dates posted.

On numerous occasions Titor posted comments that appeared to be tongue-in-cheek: when asked why his images were of such low quality, he replied that he was "not a photographer", and when asked if "Titor" was his real name, he replied that it was "a real name".


In his online postings, Titor claimed to be an American soldier from the year 2036, based in Tampa in Hillsborough County, Florida, who was assigned to a governmental time-travel project. Purportedly, Titor had been sent back to 1975 to retrieve an IBM 5100 computer which he said was needed to "debug" various legacy computer programs in 2036; a reference to the UNIX 2038 timeout error. The 5100 runs the APL, and BASIC programming languages. Titor had been selected for this mission specifically, given that his paternal grandfather was directly involved with the assembly and programming of the 5100.

Titor claimed to be on a stopover in the year 2000 for "personal reasons"; i.e., to collect pictures lost in the (future) civil war and to visit his family, of whom he spoke often. Titor also said he had been, for a few months, trying to alert anyone that would listen about the threat of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease spread through beef products and about the possibility of civil war within the United States. When questioned about them by an online subscriber, Titor also expressed an interest in unexplained mysteries such as UFOs (which in his time were still as yet unexplained). Titor suggested that UFOs and alien visitors may well be time travelers from much further into the future than his own time, who possessed superior time machines to his own.

Time machine

Titor described the time machine on several occasions. In an early post, he described it as a "stationary mass, temporal displacement unit powered by two top-spin, dual positive singularities", producing a "standard off-set Tipler sinusoid". The earliest post was more explicit, saying it contained:

* Two magnetic housing units for the dual micro singularities
* An electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity micro singularities
* A cooling and X-ray venting system
* Gravity sensors, or a variable gravity lock
* Four main caesium clocks
* Three main computer units

According to the posts, the device was installed in the rear of a 1967 Chevrolet Corvette convertible and later moved to a 1987 truck having four-wheel drive.

Titor further claimed that the "Everett-Wheeler model of quantum physics" was correct. This model, better known as the many-worlds interpretation, posits that every possible outcome of a quantum decision actually occurs in a separate "universe". Titor stated that this was the reason the grandfather paradox would not occur; following the logic of the argument, Titor would be killing a different John Titor's grandfather in a timeline other than his own.

"...The grandfather paradox is impossible. In fact, all paradox is impossible. The Everett-Wheeler-Graham or multiple world theory is correct. All possible quantum states, events, possibilities, and outcomes are real, eventual, and occurring. The chances of everything happening someplace at sometime in the superverse is 100%."


The most immediate of Titor's predictions was of an upcoming civil war in the United States having to do with "order and rights". He described it as beginning in 2004, with civil unrest surrounding the United States presidential election, 2004. This civil conflict that he characterizes as "having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse" will be "pretty much at everyone's doorstep" and erupts by 2008.

Titor claimed that as a 13-year old, in 2011, he fought with the "Fighting Diamondbacks", a shotgun infantry unit of Florida, for at least four years. However, in other posts he describes himself as hiding from the war. As a result of the war, the United States splits into five regions based on various factors and differing military objectives. This civil war, according to Titor, will then end in 2015 with a brief, but intense, World War III:

"In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China, and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed.

Titor refers to the exchange as "N Day". Washington, D.C. and Jacksonville, Florida are specifically mentioned as being hit. After the war, Omaha, Nebraska is the nation's new capital city. (Edgar Cayce said the same thing - TC)

Titor is vague as to the exact motivations and causes for World War III. At one point he characterized hostilities as being led by "border clashes and overpopulation" but also points to the present conflict between Arabs and Jews as a harbinger of World War III:

"Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. ... The Jewish population in Israel is not prepared for a true offensive war. They are prepared for the ultimate defense. Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel's neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and its offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. In the grand scheme of things, the war in the Middle East is a part of what's to come, not the cause."

If you go to Wikipedia you will find URLs to click on in blue. They will lead to further information. Also there is much more about John Titor but the above is the most interesting part.


Thursday, November 6, 2008


Source: UFODigest.Com URL:

Long Island, New York
by Chris Holly
(Copyright © 2008 Chris Holly)

Posted: 12:30 November 1, 2008

Unexplained Events of Abduction and Lost Time -Long Island, New York

Since I have come forward with the stories of my own lost time events that occurred in my own life I have had other people contact me here in New York concerning the strange experiences they also endured in this area.

A woman contacted me and asked to meet with me locally in order to tell me about a very strange happening in her life about 22 years ago in the mid 1980's. This woman was teaching in a night course in a local college at the time. Her class ended around 9pm each night. She would leave the college campus located in the Farmingdale area of Long Island and drive home the exact same way each night. It would take her about 10 minutes to arrive home. She followed this routine without deviation arriving home by about 9:15 pm.

One night this woman recalls following her normal after class routine. She recalls the entire night up to the point of the nights drive home. She remembers she was about to take one of her last turns towards home, which was a rather deserted stretch of road, before hitting the last main road towards his house. Her memory fails her from this point on.

Her husband started to become concerned as he waited for her that night as 10pm; then 10:30 pm came and went without any sign of his wife returning home on time. At this point he got in his car and followed the path his wife took home each night from the college. She was nowhere to be found. Concerned he returned home. He decided to wait another hour before calling the police.

The woman told me that the next thing she recalls about that night is driving down the road towards home and then waking up slumped over in her car. She found herself lying across her front seat, groggy and disoriented. When she sat up and looked around she had no idea where she was. She knew it was a deserted parking lot of some kind but did not recognize it. She started her car and drove out of the lot and followed the roads until she found a main road. When she started to drive she found signs that told her she was in Far Rockaway, close to New York City, about an hour and a half away from her home. She had never been to Far Rockaway before and had to drive around until she found a highway she knew to drive back towards her hometown on Long Island.

This woman told me she arrived home about midnight terrified and confused. She told her husband what had happened. She then began to vomit and feel faint. Her husband helped her to bed and noticed she had a bright red rash on her arm. She fell into bed and went into a deep sleep.

The next day she woke up feeling ill and shaken. Her stomach hurt, her head hurt and she was frightened. Her husband searched the car and found what looked like something had sandpapered the back trunk section of the cars paint. He also thought the car had a very sour chemical smell inside.

The woman has no recall of what happened to her that night. She knows she did nothing but try to drive home and that something interfered with her journey. To this day she has no idea what happened to her or her car that night. I found her to be a very intelligent rational woman and cannot offer her an explanation other than it fits into many other stories I have heard concerning lost time in our area.

I found a man who like this woman had a similar event happen to him in one of the coastal towns of Long Island. He lived in the Islip area of Long Island that runs along the south shore coast. It is a lovely small town filled with a Main Street, schools and people living along tree lined streets. Two state parks, the coast, which runs out to the Atlantic Ocean, and a river that runs into the interior of Long Island border this area of Long Island. I always considered it a paranormal heaven as it provides a perfect set up for entry into the population yet offers cover by way of the surrounding parks and waterways. I was not surprised to find this the location of this poor mans ordeal.

The man, a perfectly normal man in his early 40's, was driving to his house one night in 2001. He arrived on his street and was nearly home when he noticed a cloud like bright fog ahead of him. Before he knew what was happening this fog seemed to surround his car. He stopped his vehicle to find four small beings standing in front of his car. He described them as silver gray small human like creatures with huge eyes. He has no other memory of what happened after that. He does have an extreme terror about the night that has him living with fear and trauma.

The man next found himself a few hours later in the town of Lake Ronkonkoma, which is located in the middle of Long Island, about 30 minutes by car away from his street. He has no idea how he or his car got there. All he can recall is waking up on a strange street in a wooded section of Lake Ronkonkoma. He was not familiar with the area and needed to drive around for a while to figure out where he was. Eventually he found a main highway and was able to return back to his street and home.

When the man arrived at his house he felt ill and exhausted and fell sound asleep until late in the morning the next day. When he awoke he had a pounding headache and backache. He also found a strange rash across his back. He checked over his car and found the paint burned on his hood.

This man does not know what happened that night. He is extremely terrified by this incident and does not want his identity known. He is fearful of the area and moved to another town. He does not want to discuss this night and does not want to undergo any type of regression to bring up the memory of what happened during the missing hours.

I found both of the incidents of this woman and man to be very similar. I think it is probable that there are other people on Long Island that also may have had similar events happen to them. I believe the fact that these incidents go unreported keep them swept under the carpet and unknown to the public who live right in the areas these events are occurring.

I do know that since I have been writing about my area of the country I have received emails daily from people telling me they too have had a strange unexplained paranormal event on Long Island. I have had a lifetime of experiences I cannot understand since childhood here on Long Island and feel this is a highly active paranormal landscape that goes unknown due to the fear of reporting the events by the people having them.

I have built my reputation as a paranormal writer on the fact that I will protect the identity of those I write about above all. I know what it is like to face a public who have been trained to turn away from things they do not understand or deal with them with ridicule. It has become the brainwashed response by the public towards that which they do not comprehend . Of course this is sad and unnatural. Curiosity and solving the events of the unknown would be a far better choice.

If you have had a paranormal event happen to you, please contact me. I will always do my best to provide the information to those who are interested in the experiences of others. Realize that if you do tell your story it can help ease us from the fear and bring us closer to the light of truth concerning these matters. It could also give people a framework on how to deal with a paranormal event, or even teach them how to survive one.

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