Thursday, April 17, 2008


Google: Definition of church: Church is an association of people with a common belief system.
I would like to remind the readers that this blog was begun to encapsulate what the aliens told the experiencer, not whole case histories.

Date of Inception
February 2008


We do not believe that "faith" is found in a building made by man.
We do not "pray" to those who arrive in ships from space.
We believe in a higher power, whatever that may be according to an individual's beliefs.
We believe we were placed on Planet Earth, instead of evolved on Earth.
We heed the words given by extraterrestrials to mankind and then consider whether to accept them.
Together we can change the world through love and positive thinking.

TODAY'S LESSON: BONNIE (From Dolores Cannon's book "The Custodians")

Dolores is asking Bonnie while regressed about the alien she is in contact with. She asks about the eyes.

It's so interesting about the eyes of all of these beings. Because I don't see a pupil or anything different in the eyes, and yet they seem to be very alive and responsive. They seem to move, but I really can't figure out how they move. And they don't have eyelids that blink, but they seem to have expressiveness on them. And I can't quite figure out how that is. But there it is.
D: Let's ask him. How are his eyes different from ours?
B: He's saying they have the ability to see into things more than our eyes do. They see beneath the surface.
D: Literally?
B: Like they see into me. They penetrate into the interior of me.
D: You mean like an x-ray?
B: Yeah, like an x-ray. He can see the physiognomy, but -- more important to them -- they can see the thoughts, and the feelings. They don't always understand the feelings, but they can see what's going on in us as individuals. That's what I meant by they can see below the surface. And it's very curious to them that our eyes are so small. Of course, it's curious to us that their eyes are so big.
D: And our eyes can't see on more than one level.
B: No, no. Their eyes can see beneath the surface of many things too, and they have a much broader range of vision than we do. Like for instance, looking down on that stretch of freeway. They see the whole length, as far as they need to see. Or shall we say "width," depending on how they're looking at i t.
D: You mean as he looks at the freeway from the craft where he is, he can see the entire length?
B: (The change was abrupt.) I'd like to speak for myself now.
D: Okay, go ahead. It might be easier that way.
B: We see the whole area. We see everything that's right here in the ship. And we see what's right down there below us. And we see the whole territory. We see up and down the freeway, and to both sides of the freeway. We see way out in the ocean, and way inland. And we see way north up along the coastline, and way down. Just all at once.
D: You mean simultaneously?
B: Right. We don't have to shift our eyes like human beings do. We see a very broad spectrum. And not only that, but we see within everything that's in that field of vision. We see each person that's in any vehicle in that whole area, or even in boats that are out in the ocean. And we see everybody who's in any house. See into every building, every house. See beyond the hills that Bonnie was looking at when she was driving along. We see our craft over there. We see four other houses all spread out on different roads. We see all the rough hills. We see the city of Ventura. We see the city of Santa Barbara and Montecito, Carpinteria.

These large eyes reminded me of insects. We have no way of really knowing how large an area an insect can see, because we are unable to enter its mind. Is it similar? Do an insect's large eyes take in more information that we know?

D: Wouldn't it get confusing to take in so much information at one time?
B: No, no. I think it would be for human beings.
D: (chuckle) Yes. I'm thinking from the human aspect.
B: No. This is what we always do. What I'm talking about right now is the three dimensional physical Earth reality. But there's more that we see as well. We see other dimensions.
D: Do the little beings...?
B: Are you asking of the little beings can do that too?
B: Yes, do their eyes function the same way?
B: they don't see in quite as broad a swatch, but they definitely see in. Like they're over there right now looking at Bonnie. And I'm looking at the back of their heads. (This switch in perspective definitely showed that Bonnie was no longer communicating. The being was speaking from his viewpoint.) And they see everything going on in terms of her thoughts and her feelings and her whole history. and how her physiological functions work. They're seeing how her eyes work. Her eyes are open. They see how her brain works. How all he little connecting tubes work. All the little glands and nodes and textures. They see the nasal passages and the little hairs in there. And the fluids and the sinuses.
D: Is that why they're observing her so closely?
B: Yes. They're just having a wonderful time. She knows that they're very curious.
D: But she doesn't know they can see all that.
B: She has no idea what they can see. They can see the ear canals, and how the hearing is working. And they can see the wax in the ear. They see the saliva and the sinus fluids. Oh, yes, there's an awful lot to see.
D: Why don't you have coverings to protect your eyes the way we do?
B: We do have coverings. They're built in. It's almost like you might call it: a membrane.

The description earlier sounded like an insect, but this reminded me somewhat of a reptile's eyes.

D: This protects the actual eye?
B: Yes, yes. It has sort of a gloss to it. It's a self-renewable membrane. We don't need to close eyes the way human beings need to close eyes. Human beings have a different system entirely. They have a lot of moisture right on the surface of the actual eye. And that moisture attracts things like dust. But our membrane covering, which is a natural part of us, does not have the kind of surface that attracts dust particles and other bits. We have a way with this membrane of sloughing off anything that would want to stick to the eye.
D: I have also been told that you can know the intentions of people by observing them. That there's no way to fool you.
B: Yes. This is part of what we see. I think human beings might tend to think of it in terms that "we see to the true motivations." we see to what they would call the "soul." We see the essence, as well as all the extra overlay, all the conditioning, to the essence. Human beings are most amazing to us, because they have so many conditions, and teachings, and theories, and beliefs., that are applied as one goes through life. Applied on top of the pure essence that is born as a human being. And by the time the person even reaches reasonable adulthood, that pure essence might be totally, completely covered over with teachings and beliefs and indoctrinations. So that it's hard for the person to even have any sense that he is really a pure soul essence. And all he can know is all these layers of teaching and believe and doctrine and so forth, that have been applied over that essence as it has come into a lifetime.
To see what books are available from Dolores Cannon go to: We have used the above with permission.



By Cat Powers

She's leaving on the Starship, she went away today..
But where or how or even why, she simply would not say..
It seems as if her life on earth, was not just as it seemed.
And her reality of life, existed in her "dreams..."

But is the dream a "state of mind" a place you'd rather be?
Or does the word "illusion" correlate with reality?
And when you find your world exists, but you simply don't fit in,
The choice to try and change that is the choice of you within!

She's leaving on the Starship
Yes... It had to be this way...
and the only hope with my heart...
Is that at last, she has found her way!

Blessings be! See you in a few days.

Thursday's Child

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